Resumo IPv6 – CCNA e CCNPAbstract IPv6 – CCNA and CCNP

Olá Pessoal,

Fiz este resumo sobre pontos mais importantes do IPv6 para ser didático, compreensível e objetivo. O nível de abrangência deste resumo ficaria num ponto intermediário entre as certificações CCNA e BSCI. Segue abaixo.


– Foi adicionado diversas funcionalidades se comparado com o IPv4, tais como: 128 bits para endereçamento (IPv4 apenas 32), segurança (através de extension headers), técnicas para transição de IPv4 para IPv6, QOS embebbed (direto no  header), autoconfiguration (permite um host obter um endereço IP sem ter que rodar um DHCP na rede) e mobilidade IP.

– O endereço IPv6 possui 128 bits e é dividido em 8 ‘sextetos’, cada um com 16 bits.

– O Header (incluindo IPs de origem e destino) possui 320 bits, sem as extensões – apresentado abaixo.

Header IPv6

– IPv6 não possui o campo checksum (e nem o realiza) por considerar que o controle de erros das camadas inferiores é confiável.

– IPv6 não usa broadcast, e sim multicast. Um broadcast poderia ser simulado enviando um multicast para o endereço All-nodes, escopo Link-local (FF02::1).

– Endereço de Loopback – ::1/128 (IPv4 = Endereço default-route – ::0/0 (IPv4 =

– EUI-64: formato derivado do MAC-address utilizado para se atribuir endereços Link-Local. É pego o MAC address (48 bits), inserido o número hexadecimal FFFE no meio dele e modificado os primeiros 2 bits (de 00 para 20), portanto o MAC 00eb.1234.3322 no formato EUI-64 ficaria: 02eb:12ff:fe34:3322. Enfim, agregando o prefixo para endereços Link-local teríamos: FE80::02eb:12ff:fe34:3322.

– Tipos de endereços IPv6:

  • Global Unicast: Identifica um host único na Internet. Serão atribuidos prefixos para cada organização (48 bits ou menos), como visto na figura. A IANA definiu o prefixo para estes prefixos como 2000::/3.Prefixo Global Unicast
  • Link-Local: Cada interface recebe um destes endereços. É utilizado para os dispositivos na mesma rede se comunicarem sem ter de utilizar o endereço Global Unicast. Utilizam o Prefixo FE80::/10 + o formato EUI-64.
  • Site-local. Endereço único dentro do escopo da organização, não roteável na Internet. Prefixo: FEC0::/10.

– Multicast: Identificado pelo prefixo FF00::/8. Os próximos 4 bits são flags, e os outros 4 próximos definem o escopo do Multicast (apresentados abaixo). Ao lado, é apresentado um esquema da abrangência dos escopos.

IPv6 - Escopo Multicast

  • 1 = Interface-local.
  • 2 = Link-local.
  • 5 = Site-local.
  • 8 = Organization-local.
  • E = Global.

– Anycast: Um endereço Global Unicast atribuido a mais de um dispositivo, definido-o como anycast. Tem como função rotear para o dispositivo anycast mais próximo. Veja abaixo.

Endereço Anycast demonstrado

– Hosts Ipv6 devem responder pelo menos nos seguintes endereços:

  • Global Unicast e Anycast (2000::/3)
  • Link-local (FE80::/10, por autoconfiguration
  • Loopback (::1/128)
  • All-nodes Multicast (FF01::1 e FF02::1)
  • Outro grupo multicast atribuido.

– Roteadores, além de responder neste endereços devem ainda responder em:

  • Endereço Anycast da subrede (endereço da subrede com o Interface ID – endereço do host – setado em 0)
  • All-routers Multicast (FF01::2, FF02::2, FF05::2)
  • Grupos de multicast definidos por protocolos de roteamento (se aplicável). EIGRP for IPv6: FF02::10, OSPFv3: FF02::5 (todos Routers) e FF02::6 (apenas DR e BDR).

– As principais formas de transição do IPv4 para IPv6 pode ser feita através do Dual Stack (rodar ambos IPv4 e IPv6 até não ter mais necessidade de IPv4) e Tunelamento (encapsular o pacote IPv6 dentro de um pacote IPv4 – figura). Para o tunelamento é previsto o prefixo 2002::/16.
Tunelamento IPv6


CCNP BSCI Official Exam Certification Guide 4th edition, por Brent Stewart. CiscoPress

CCNA 4.1 Guia Completo de Estudo, por Marco Filippetti. Visual Books

CertProject, imagem do header IPv6.

– Cisco IOS IPv6 Multicast Introduction – MT BOM.

– RFC 3513 Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Addressing.

Gostaria de dedicar apoio especial a todos que estarão se certificando ao longo do mês de junho.

Um grande abraço,

Maurício Bento Ghem.Hello Guys,
I did this summary on the most important of IPv6 to be didactic, comprehensive and objective. The level of coverage of this summary would be midway between BSCI and CCNA certifications. Below.


– We added several features compared to IPv4, such as 128 bits for addressing (IPv4 only 32), security (through extension headers), techniques to transition from IPv4 to IPv6, QOS embebbed (direct the header), Autoconfiguration ( allows a host to obtain an IP address without having to run DHCP on the network) and IP mobility.
– The IPv6 address has 128 bits and is divided into 8 ‘sextet’, each with 16 bits.
– The Header (including the source and destination IP) has 320 bits, without the extensions – below.
Header IPv6

– IPv6 does not have the checksum field (and not the place), considering that the control of errors of lower layers is reliable.
– IPv6 USA not broadcast, but multicasting. A broadcast can be simulated by sending a multicast address to the All-nodes, link-local scope (FF02:: 1).
– Loopback Address -:: 1 / 128 (IPv4 = Address default-route -: 0 / 0 (IPv4 = / 0).
– EUI-64: format derived from the MAC-address used to assign addresses Link-Local. You get the MAC address (48 bits), the hexadecimal number FFFE inserted in the middle of it and changed the first 2 bits (from 00 to 20), so the MAC 00eb.1234.3322 in EUI-64 format would be: 02eb: 12ff: fe34: 3322. Finally, adding the prefix for link-local addresses would: FE80:: 02eb: 12ff: fe34: 3322.
– Types of IPv6 addresses:

  • Global Unicast: Identifies a single host on the Internet. Prefixes will be assigned to each organization (48 bits or less), as seen in the picture. The IANA defines the prefix for these prefixes like 2000:: / 3.Prefixo Global Unicast
  • Link-Local: Each interface receives one of these addresses. It is used for the devices on the same network to communicate without having to use the Global Unicast address. Use the prefix FE80:: / 10 + the EUI-64 format.
  • Site-local. Single address within the scope of the organization, not routable on the Internet. Prefix: FEC0:: / 10.

– Multicast: Identified by prefix FF00:: / 8. The next 4 bits are flags, and the other 4 next define the scope of Multicast (shown below). Beside, a diagram of the range of scopes.
IPv6 - Escopo Multicast

  • 1 = Interface-local.
  • 2 = link-local.
  • 5 = site-local.
  • 8 = Organization-local.
  • E = Global.

– Anycast: A Global Unicast address assigned to more than one device, set it as anycast. Has as its route to the nearest anycast device. See below.
Endereço Anycast demonstrado

– IPv6 Hosts must meet at least the following addresses:

  • Global Unicast and Anycast (2000:: / 3)
  • Link-local (FE80:: / 10, by Autoconfiguration
  • Loopback (:: 1 / 128)
  • Multicast all-nodes (FF01:: 1 and FF02:: 1)
  • Another group multicast assigned.

– Routers, and this answer should also respond in address:

  • Anycast address of the subnet (the subnet address with the Interface ID – Host address – set to 0)
  • All-Multicast routers (FF01:: 2, FF02:: 2, FF05:: 2)
  • Groups defined by multicast routing protocols (if applicable). EIGRP for IPv6: FF02:: 10, OSPFv3: FF02:: 5 (all routers) and FF02:: 6 (only DR and BDR).

– The main forms of transition from IPv4 to IPv6 can be made through the Dual Stack (running both IPv4 and IPv6 to no longer have need for IPv4) and tunneling (encapsulate the IPv6 packet within an IPv4 packet – figure). For the tunneling is expected the prefix 2002:: / 16.Tunelamento IPv6


CCNP BSCI Official Exam Certification Guide 4th edition, por Brent Stewart. CiscoPress

CCNA 4.1 Guia Completo de Estudo, por Marco Filippetti. Visual Books

CertProject, imagem do header IPv6.

Cisco IOS IPv6 Multicast Introduction – Very good.

RFC 3513 Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Addressing.

I would pay special support to all who will make sure during the month of June.

A big hug,

Maurício Bento Ghem.

Laboratório IPv6 6-to-4 TunnelingLab IPv6 6-to-4 Tunneling

Olá Pessoal,

Mais um laboratório interessantíssimo a nível de CCNP. Este laboratório é bastante simples, mas ilustra da melhor maneira um problema que todos nós Network Engineers teremos de enfrentar no futuro.

Como a Internet roda IPv4 será um grande desafio migrá-la para se utilizar IPv6 em todos seus pontos. Este laboratório é ilustrado o tunelamento GRE entre duas localidades utilizando como meio a Internet (R2 simulando uma rede IPv4).

Abaixo é apresentado a topologia da rede.

Laboratorio IPv6 - 6-to-4 Tunneling

A IOS utilizada é a c7200-advipservicesk9-mz.124-9.T.bin disponível no HD do blog. Seguem as mesmas recomendações para os laboratórios: usem e abusem de comandos show e debug, modifiquem o laboratório e o utilizem para estudar e APRENDER.

Abaixo, é apresentado o link para download.

Laboratório IPv6 – 6-to-4 Tunneling (atualizado)

Um forte abraço,

Maurício Bentow.Hello Guys,

More interesting to a laboratory level of CCNP. This laboratory is quite simple, but illustrates the way a problem we all Network Engineers will have to face in the future.

As the wheel IPv4 Internet will be a great challenge migrate it to use IPv6 in all its points. This laboratory is illustrated the GRE tunneling between two locations using the Internet as a means (R2 simulating an IPv4 network).

Below is the topology of the network.

Laboratorio IPv6 - 6-to-4 Tunneling

The IOS is used advipservicesk9-c7200-mz.124-9.T.bin available in HD blog. Follow the same recommendations for the laboratory: use and abuse of show commands and debug, modify and use the laboratory to study and learn .

Below is presented a link to download.

Lab IPv6 – 6-to-4 Tunneling (updated)


Maurício Bentow.

Resumo Protocolos de Roteamento – BSCISummary of Routing Protocols – BSCI

Olá pessoal,

Estando na fase final de preparação para a BSCI fiz um resumo mais sucinto dos protocolos de roteamento que fazem parte do escopo desta prova. Este resumo visa diferenciar diversos detalhes que são cobrados na BSCI, tais como: métrica padrão quando uma rota é redistribuida, terminologia e muitos outros aspectos. Os protocolos de roteamento cobrado no exame são:


OSPF multiarea

Integrated IS-IS

BGP in a non-Transit AS.

Foi criada uma tabela no excel que foi convertida para uma figura. Esta é apresentada um pouco menor abaixo. Clique na figura para obtê-la na íntegra.


Um abração pessoal,

Maurício.Hello everybody,

In the final stage of preparation for BSCI did a more succinct summary of the routing protocols that are part of the scope of this evidence. This summary aims to differentiate various details that are charged in BSCI, such as standard metric when a route is redistributed, terminology and much more. The routing protocols charged in the examination are:


– OSPF multiarea

– Integrated IS-IS

– BGP in a non-transit AS.

It created a table in Excel which was converted to a figure. This appears a little lower down. Click the picture to download it in full.




Laboratório EIGRP – Pratica de Queries e DHCP-relay EIGRP Lab – Practice of Queries and DHCP-relay

Olá Pessoal,

Este laboratório engloba diversas áreas de conhecimento de roteamento. A configuração base é apresentada na figura abaixo.

Topologia do Laboratório EIGRP - Queries e DHCP-relay

Neste lab o roteador R2 atua como servidor DHCP para sua própria rede para rede de R3 que utiliza o comando ip helper-address para utilizar o pool configurado em R2.

O objetivo deste lab, além de entender a configuração DHCP é poder derrubar links e observar a topology table para ver as rotas passando para o estado ativo, ou seja, buscando um caminho alternativo para a rota que caiu.

Note que como no Dynamips não é possível adicionar Hosts, foram adicionados roteadores só que sem a função de roteamento. Isto foi possível por meio do comando no ip routing.

No mais, sigam as recomendações de sempre: comandos show e debug e personalizar os labs para entender e aprender. Foi utilizado roteadores 3600 e a IOS está disponível no HD do blog. Não esqueçam de modificar os caminhos no arquivo .net.

Segue abaixo o link para download.

Laboratório EIGRP – Prática de Queries e Dhcp-Relay

Um abração pessoal,


Hello Guys,

This laboratory includes several areas of knowledge of routing. The basic configuration is shown in figure below.

Topologia do Laboratório EIGRP - Queries e DHCP-relay

In this lab the R2 router acts as DHCP server for your own network to network R3 using the command ip helper-address to use the pool set in R2.

The objective of this lab, and understand the DHCP configuration is able to observe the drop links and topology table to see the routes going to the active state, or seeking an alternate path for the route that fell.

Note that as in Dynamips is not possible to add hosts, routers only have added that without the function of routing. This was possible through the command ip routing.

In addition, follow the recommendations of all: show and debug commands and customize the labs to understand and learn. We used 3600 routers and IOS is available in HD blog. Do not forget to change the paths in the file. Net.

Here is the link to download.

EIGRP Lab – Practice and Queries Dhcp-Relay

A Abrasive staff,


Laboratório BGP – Comunicação entre IBGP peersBGP Lab – Communication between IBGP peers

Olá Pessoal,


Uma parte bastante complexa do protocolo BGP é a comunicação dentro do sistema autônomo, ou seja, quando ele roda como IBGP (interior). Diversas regras do BGP se alteram quando a comunicação e troca de rotas ocorrem dentro do sistema autônomo, sendo que a topologia deve ser bem planejada para configurar os roteadores da maneira adequada.

Este laboratório é focado na comunicação IBGP, e para o tornar mais interessante, os routers não estão na disposição full-meshed. Deve-se ter em mente que as rotas aprendidas pelo IBGP não são anunciadas para outros IBGP peers, por isso a disposição full-mesh é muito utilizada. Quando não é possível é introduzido um route-reflector.

Um route-reflector nada mais é que um roteador que replica sua tabela BGP para seus peers configurados.

Segue abaixo a topologia.

Topologia - Laboratorio Bgp - IBGP peers

As recomendações padrão: usar e abusar de comandos show e debug, entender o funcionamento e trocas de rotas e APRENDER com o laboratório. Foram utilizadas as IOS c3620-is-mz.123-15 e c7200-ik9o3s-mz.123-22 ambas disponíveis no HD do blog. Os arquivos TXT incluídos possuem as configurações inicias do laboratório sendo que o laboratório (.NET) já possui as configurações finais com tudo funcionando. Segue abaixo o link para download.

Laboratório BGP – IBGP Peers


Um forte abraço para todos e boa semana.


PS: Para os que têm problemas com inglês entrem em contato comigo que traduzo para português. Os comentários feitos por mim estão sendo feitos em inglês devido a prática, material de estudo e prova serem tudo nesta língua, portanto, vamos se puxar galera. Outro abraço.

Hello Guys,

A very complex part of the BGP protocol is communication within the autonomous system, or when he runs as IBGP (interior). Several BGP rules change when the communication and exchange of routes occur within the autonomous system, where the topology should be well planned to set up the routers adequately.

This laboratory is focused on communication IBGP, and to make it more interesting, the routers are not available in full-meshed.It should be borne in mind that the routes learned by IBGP are not advertised to other IBGP peers, so the full provision -mesh is widely used. When you can not be made a route-reflector.

A route-reflector is nothing but a router that replicates its BGP table to its peers configured.

Below the topology.

Topologia - Laboratorio Bgp - IBGP peers

The standard recommendations: use and abuse of show and debug commands, understand the operation and trade routes and learn from the laboratory. Were used IOS c3620-is-mz.123-15 c7200-mz.123-22-ik9o3s both available in HD blog. TXT files have included the initial settings of the laboratory and the laboratory (. NET) already has end settings with everything working.Here is the link to download.

BGP Lab – IBGP Peers

A strong hug to all and good week.


PS: For those who have problems with English come in contact with me to translate to Portuguese. Comments made by me are being made in English because the practice, study and test materials are all in this language, so if we pull everybody. Another hug.

Resumo de comandos Show para Integrated IS-IS – BSCISummary of Show commands for Integrated IS-IS – BSCI

Olá Pessoal,


Prosseguindo a série de Comandos Show, apresento-lhes para o protocolo IS-IS.

Este protocolo é bastante diferente da maioria, pois se baseia no endereçamento OSI. Numa primeira análise parece ser complicado, mas entendendo a teoria por trás do protocolo fica tudo descomplicado.

Segue abaixo.


show clns IS-IS – Geral Apresenta resumo, contêm: número de interfaces que está rodando, NET address e timers.
show clns neighbors IS-IS – Neighbors Resumo dos vizinhos. Contêm: ID do router remoto, interface, SNPA (endereço da camada de enlace), estado, holdtime e tipo de adjacência (Level-1, Level-2).
show clns neighbors detail IS-IS – Neighbors Apresenta detalhes dos vizinhos. Além das informações anteriores apresenta ainda: IP address, uptime e área (extraído do NET).
show clns route IS-IS – Routes Apresenta todos os NSAP (Network Service Access Point) é possível rotear dados.
show isis topology [..] IS-IS – Routes Apresenta uma lista de caminhos para todos os routers dentro do domínio de roteamento. Pode-se passar parâmetros para filtrar (apenas Level-1, por exemplo.)
show isis database [..] IS-IS – LSPs Apresenta cada uma das LSPs na base de dados. Contêm informações como: router que gerou a LSP (LSPID), sequence numbers, checksum, holdtime e bits para controle. Pode-se passar parâmetros para filtrar (apenas Level-1, por exemplo.)
show isis spf-log IS-IS – SPF Apresenta informações pertinentes a execução do algoritmo SPF. Se houverem muitas execuções suspeite de problemas de configuração.




R4#show clns
Global CLNS Information:
3 Interfaces Enabled for CLNS
NET: 49.0020.0000.0000.000b.00
Configuration Timer: 60, Default Holding Timer: 300, Packet Lifetime 64
ERPDU's requested on locally generated packets
Running IS-IS in IP-only mode (CLNS forwarding not allowed)



R4#show clns neighbors

System Id Interface SNPA State Holdtime Type Protocol
R3 Se1/0 *HDLC* Up 28 L2 IS-IS
R5 Se1/1 *HDLC* Up 25 L2 IS-IS



R4#show clns neighbors detail

System Id Interface SNPA State Holdtime Type Protocol
R3 Se1/0 *HDLC* Up 25 L2 IS-IS
Area Address(es): 49.0020
IP Address(es):*
Uptime: 00:42:23
NSF capable
R5 Se1/1 *HDLC* Up 23 L2 IS-IS
Area Address(es): 49.0030
IP Address(es):*
Uptime: 00:42:23
NSF capable



R4#show clns route
Codes: C - connected, S - static, d - DecnetIV
I - ISO-IGRP, i - IS-IS, e - ES-IS
B - BGP, b - eBGP-neighbor

C 49.0020.0000.0000.000b.00 [1/0], Local IS-IS NET
C 49.0020 [2/0], Local IS-IS Area



R3#show isis topology ?
WORD Hostname or NSAP of a router
l1 Paths to all level-1 routers in the area
l2 Paths to all level-2 routers in the domain
level-1 Paths to all level-1 routers in the area
level-2 Paths to all level-2 routers in the domain
| Output modifiers

R3#show isis topology

IS-IS paths to level-1 routers
System Id Metric Next-Hop Interface SNPA
R3 --

IS-IS paths to level-2 routers
System Id Metric Next-Hop Interface SNPA
R3 --
R4 5 R4 Se2/0 *HDLC*
R5 15 R4 Se2/0 *HDLC*



R3#show isis database ?
WORD LSPID in the form of xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xx-xx or name.xx-xx
detail Detailed link state database information
l1 IS-IS Level-1 routing link state database
l2 IS-IS Level-2 routing link state database
level-1 IS-IS Level-1 routing link state database
level-2 IS-IS Level-2 routing link state database
verbose Verbose database information
| Output modifiers

R3#show isis database

IS-IS Level-1 Link State Database:
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
R3.00-00 * 0x00000005 0xB7E2 1057 1/0/0
IS-IS Level-2 Link State Database:
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
R3.00-00 * 0x00000006 0x4207 1005 0/0/0
R4.00-00 0x00000005 0x9CAF 942 0/0/0
R5.00-00 0x00000005 0x63ED 795 0/0/0



R3#show isis spf-log

level 1 SPF log
When Duration Nodes Count First trigger LSP Triggers
00:43:27 0 1 2 R3.00-00 ATTACHFLAG LSPHEADER
00:28:52 0 1 1 PERIODIC
00:13:52 0 1 1 PERIODIC

level 2 SPF log
When Duration Nodes Count First trigger LSP Triggers
00:28:54 4 3 1 PERIODIC
00:13:53 4 3 1 PERIODIC


Um abração,

Maurício Bento Ghem.Hello Guys,

Continuing the series of commands Show, presenting them to the IS-IS protocol.

This protocol is quite different from most because it is based on the OSI address. At first sight appears to be complicated, but understanding the theory behind the protocol is all uncomplicated.


show clns IS-IS – General Displays summary, include: number of interfaces that are running, NET timers and address.
show clns neighbors IS-IS – Neighbors Overview of neighbors. Include: remote router ID, interface, SNPA (link-layer address), status, and type of adjacency holdtime (Level-1, Level-2).
show clns neighbors detail IS-IS – Neighbors Presents details of the neighbors. Besides the above information still shows: IP address, uptime and area (from the NET).
show clns route IS-IS – Routes Displays all NSAP (Network Service Access Point) you can route data.
show isis topology [..] IS-IS – Routes Displays a list of paths to all routers within the area of routing. You can pass parameters to filter (only Level-1, for example.)
show isis database [..] IS-IS – LSPs Displays each of the LSPs in the database. Contain information such as router that generated the LSP (LSPID), sequence numbers, checksum, holdtime and bits for control. You can pass parameters to filter (only Level-1, for example.)
show isis spf-log IS-IS – SPF Presents relevant information to the application of SPF algorithm. If there are many executions of suspected problems with configuration.


R4#show clns
Global CLNS Information:
3 Interfaces Enabled for CLNS
NET: 49.0020.0000.0000.000b.00
Configuration Timer: 60, Default Holding Timer: 300, Packet Lifetime 64
ERPDU's requested on locally generated packets
Running IS-IS in IP-only mode (CLNS forwarding not allowed)

R4#show clns neighbors

System Id Interface SNPA State Holdtime Type Protocol
R3 Se1/0 *HDLC* Up 28 L2 IS-IS
R5 Se1/1 *HDLC* Up 25 L2 IS-IS

R4#show clns neighbors detail

System Id Interface SNPA State Holdtime Type Protocol
R3 Se1/0 *HDLC* Up 25 L2 IS-IS
Area Address(es): 49.0020
IP Address(es):*
Uptime: 00:42:23
NSF capable
R5 Se1/1 *HDLC* Up 23 L2 IS-IS
Area Address(es): 49.0030
IP Address(es):*
Uptime: 00:42:23
NSF capable

R4#show clns route
Codes: C - connected, S - static, d - DecnetIV
I - ISO-IGRP, i - IS-IS, e - ES-IS
B - BGP, b - eBGP-neighbor

C 49.0020.0000.0000.000b.00 [1/0], Local IS-IS NET
C 49.0020 [2/0], Local IS-IS Area

R3#show isis topology ?
WORD Hostname or NSAP of a router
l1 Paths to all level-1 routers in the area
l2 Paths to all level-2 routers in the domain
level-1 Paths to all level-1 routers in the area
level-2 Paths to all level-2 routers in the domain
| Output modifiers

R3#show isis topology

IS-IS paths to level-1 routers
System Id Metric Next-Hop Interface SNPA
R3 --

IS-IS paths to level-2 routers
System Id Metric Next-Hop Interface SNPA
R3 —
R4 5 R4 SE2 / 0 * HDLC *
R5 15 R4 SE2 / 0 * HDLC *

R3#show isis database ?
WORD LSPID in the form of xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xx-xx or name.xx-xx
detail Detailed link state database information
l1 IS-IS Level-1 routing link state database
l2 IS-IS Level-2 routing link state database
level-1 IS-IS Level-1 routing link state database
level-2 IS-IS Level-2 routing link state database
verbose Verbose database information
| Output modifiers

R3#show isis database

IS-IS Level-1 Link State Database:
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
R3.00-00 * 0x00000005 0xB7E2 1057 1/0/0
IS-IS Level-2 Link State Database:
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
R3.00-00 * 0x00000006 0x4207 1005 0/0/0
R4.00-00 0x00000005 0x9CAF 942 0/0/0
R5.00-00 0x00000005 0x63ED 795 0/0/0
1/0/0 IS-IS Level-1 Link State Database:
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
R3.00-00 * 0x00000005 0xB7E2 1057 1/0/0
IS-IS Level-2 Link State Database:
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
R3.00-00 * 0x00000006 0x4207 1005 0/0/0
R4.00-00 0x00000005 0x9CAF 942 0/0/0
R5.00-00 0x00000005 0x63ED 795 0/0/0
0/0/0 IS-IS Level-1 Link State Database:
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
R3.00-00 * 0x00000005 0xB7E2 1057 1/0/0
IS-IS Level-2 Link State Database:
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
R3.00-00 * 0x00000006 0x4207 1005 0/0/0
R4.00-00 0x00000005 0x9CAF 942 0/0/0
R5.00-00 0x00000005 0x63ED 795 0/0/0
0/0/0 IS-IS Level-1 Link State Database:
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
R3.00-00 * 0x00000005 0xB7E2 1057 1/0/0
IS-IS Level-2 Link State Database:
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
R3.00-00 * 0x00000006 0x4207 1005 0/0/0
R4.00-00 0x00000005 0x9CAF 942 0/0/0
R5.00-00 0x00000005 0x63ED 795 0/0/0
0/0/0 IS-IS Level-1 Link State Database:
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
R3.00-00 * 0x00000005 0xB7E2 1057 1/0/0
IS-IS Level-2 Link State Database:
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
R3.00-00 * 0x00000006 0x4207 1005 0/0/0
R4.00-00 0x00000005 0x9CAF 942 0/0/0
R5.00-00 0x00000005 0x63ED 795 0/0/0

R3#show isis spf-log

level 1 SPF log
When Duration Nodes Count First trigger LSP Triggers
00:43:27 0 1 2 R3.00-00 ATTACHFLAG LSPHEADER
00:28:52 0 1 1 PERIODIC
00:13:52 0 1 1 PERIODIC

level 2 SPF log
When Duration Nodes Count First trigger LSP Triggers
00:28:54 4 3 1 PERIODIC
00:13:53 4 3 1 PERIODIC

A Abrasive,

Maurício Bento Ghem.

Resumo de Comandos Show para OSPF – BSCISummary of Show Commands for OSPF – BSCI

Olá Pessoal,

Mais um resumo da série de comandos show, agora para o protocolo OSPF com foco na prova BSCI.

Este resumo foi feito baseado no lab publicado anteriormente: Laboratório OSPF e IS-IS com Redistribution bidirecional.

Segue abaixo um resumo de cada comando. Cada um deles possui um link para sua saída completa.

Show ip ospf [process-id] OSPF – Geral Apresenta detalhes de configuração OSPF. Apresenta informações como: Router ID, timers, última execução do algoritmo SPF e estatísticas.
show ip ospf database [..] OSPF – LSAs Apresenta informações de cada tipo de LSA. Passando o parâmetro do tipo são apresentadas mais informações detalhadas sobre cada uma.
show ip ospf border-routers OSPF – ABR/ASBR Apresenta os ABR e ASBR. Detalhes como: RouterID, interface conectada e área aparecem neste comando.
show ip ospf neighbor [detail] OSPF – Neighbors Apresenta um resumo e status da adjacência com os vizinhos. Este comando apresenta informações como: ID do router vizinho, estado (DR,BDR..), dead time (tempo até a rota se extinguir, ou receber um novo hello), endereço IP do vizinho e interface local do Router no qual se encontra este vizinho.
show ip ospf interface brief OSPF – Resumo Apresenta um resumo do OSPF em cada interface na qual está rodando. Mostra: interface, process ID, área, IP e máscara, custo, estado (DR/BDR…).
show ip ospf virtual-links OSPF – Virtual-Links Apresenta (quando aplicável) os virtual-links e suas estatísticas. Informações contidas: Timers, Router ID, transit Area, estado da adjacência.
show ip route OSPF – Routes Para ilustrar o roteador que está redistribuindo as rotas, é apresentado o comando show ip route que apresenta ambas rotas do protocolo OSPF e IS-IS (e a rota default aprendida pelo IS-IS).


R3#show ip ospf ?
<1-65535> Process ID number
border-routers Border and Boundary Router Information
database Database summary
flood-list Link state flood list
interface Interface information
mpls MPLS related information
neighbor Neighbor list
request-list Link state request list
retransmission-list Link state retransmission list
sham-links Sham link information
summary-address Summary-address redistribution Information
virtual-links Virtual link information
| Output modifiers

R3#show ip ospf 1
Routing Process "ospf 1" with ID
Supports only single TOS(TOS0) routes
Supports opaque LSA
Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS)
It is an autonomous system boundary router
Redistributing External Routes from,
isis with metric mapped to 120, includes subnets in redistribution
Initial SPF schedule delay 5000 msecs
Minimum hold time between two consecutive SPFs 10000 msecs
Maximum wait time between two consecutive SPFs 10000 msecs
Minimum LSA interval 5 secs. Minimum LSA arrival 1 secs
LSA group pacing timer 240 secs
Interface flood pacing timer 33 msecs
Retransmission pacing timer 66 msecs
Number of external LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x000000
Number of opaque AS LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x000000
Number of DCbitless external and opaque AS LSA 0
Number of DoNotAge external and opaque AS LSA 0
Number of areas in this router is 1. 0 normal 0 stub 1 nssa
External flood list length 0
Area 3
Number of interfaces in this area is 1
It is a NSSA area
generates NSSA default route with cost 1
Area has no authentication
SPF algorithm last executed 00:36:04.468 ago
SPF algorithm executed 4 times
Area ranges are Passive Advertise
Number of LSA 8. Checksum Sum 0x041817
Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x000000
Number of DCbitless LSA 0
Number of indication LSA 0
Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
Flood list length 0

R3#show ip ospf database ?
adv-router Advertising Router link states
asbr-summary ASBR summary link states
database-summary Summary of database
external External link states
network Network link states
nssa-external NSSA External link states
opaque-area Opaque Area link states
opaque-as Opaque AS link states
opaque-link Opaque Link-Local link states
router Router link states
self-originate Self-originated link states
summary Network summary link states
| Output modifiers

R3#show ip ospf database

OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 1)

Router Link States (Area 3)

Link ID ADV Router Age Seq# Checksum Link count 220 0x80000003 0x00E547 1 225 0x80000003 0x00C235 1

Net Link States (Area 3)

Link ID ADV Router Age Seq# Checksum 225 0x80000002 0x009D07

Summary Net Link States (Area 3)

Link ID ADV Router Age Seq# Checksum 225 0x80000002 0x005AC6 225 0x80000002 0x0058C6 225 0x80000002 0x0056C6

Type-7 AS External Link States (Area 3)

Link ID ADV Router Age Seq# Checksum Tag 220 0x80000002 0x001C2B 0 223 0x80000002 0x00AD17 0

R0#show ip ospf border-routers

OSPF Process 1 internal Routing Table

Codes: i - Intra-area route, I - Inter-area route

i [2] via, FastEthernet0/0, ABR, Area 0, SPF 8
i [1] via, FastEthernet1/0, ASBR, Area 3, SPF 6
i [1] via, FastEthernet0/0, ABR, Area 0, SPF 8

R0#show ip ospf neighbor

Neighbor ID Pri State Dead Time Address Interface 1 FULL/DR 00:00:37 FastEthernet0/0 1 FULL/BDR 00:00:39 FastEthernet1/0

R3#show ip ospf interface
FastEthernet1/0 is up, line protocol is up
Internet Address, Area 3
Process ID 1, Router ID, Network Type BROADCAST, Cost: 1
Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State BDR, Priority 1
Designated Router (ID), Interface address
Backup Designated router (ID), Interface address
Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5
oob-resync timeout 40
Hello due in 00:00:05
Index 1/1, flood queue length 0
Next 0x0(0)/0x0(0)
Last flood scan length is 2, maximum is 2
Last flood scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 0 msec
Neighbor Count is 1, Adjacent neighbor count is 1
Adjacent with neighbor (Designated Router)
Suppress hello for 0 neighbor(s)

R0#show ip ospf interface brief
Interface PID Area IP Address/Mask Cost State Nbrs F/C
Fa0/0 1 0 1 BDR 1/1
Fa1/0 1 3 1 DR 1/1

R2#show ip ospf virtual-links
Virtual Link OSPF_VL0 to router is up
Run as demand circuit
DoNotAge LSA allowed.
Transit area 1, via interface FastEthernet0/0, Cost of using 1
Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State POINT_TO_POINT,
Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5
Hello due in 00:00:09
Adjacency State FULL (Hello suppressed)
Index 1/2, retransmission queue length 0, number of retransmission 1
First 0x0(0)/0x0(0) Next 0x0(0)/0x0(0)
Last retransmission scan length is 1, maximum is 1
Last retransmission scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 0 msec

R3#show ip route
Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route

Gateway of last resort is to network is variably subnetted, 9 subnets, 4 masks
O IA [110/4] via, 00:43:28, FastEthernet1/0
C is directly connected, FastEthernet1/0
O IA [110/2] via, 00:43:48, FastEthernet1/0
i su [115/84] via, Null0
O IA [110/3] via, 00:43:48, FastEthernet1/0
i L2 [115/15] via, Serial2/0
i L2 [115/15] via, Serial2/0
C is directly connected, Serial2/0
O is a summary, 00:43:55, Null0
i*L2 [115/15] via, Serial2/0

Um abração pessoal e sucesso.

Maurício Bento Ghem.Hello Guys,

More a summary of the series of commands show, now for the OSPF protocol with focus on the proof BSCI.

This summary was based on previously published lab: Laboratory OSPF and IS-IS with bidirectional Redistribution.

Below is a summary of each command. Each contains a link to its full output.

Show ip ospf [process-id] OSPF – General Displays details of configuring OSPF. Displays information such as: Router ID, timers, last performance of the SPF algorithm and statistics.
show ip ospf database [..] OSPF – LSAS Displays information of each type of LSA. Passing the parameter type is presented more detailed information on each.
show ip ospf border-routers OSPF – ABR / ASBR Shows the ABR and ASBR. Details as RouterID, interface connected and appear in this area command.
show ip ospf neighbor [detail] OSPF – Neighbors Presents a summary and status of the adjacency with its neighbors. This command displays information such as neighbor router ID, state (DR, BDR ..), dead time (time until the route goes out, or receives a new hello),IP address of the neighbor and the local router interface which is this neighbor.
show ip ospf interface brief OSPF – Summary Presents a summary of OSPF on each interface on which it is running.Shows: interface, process ID, area, and IP mask, cost, status (DR / BDR …).
show ip ospf virtual-links OSPF – Virtual-Links Displays (if applicable) the virtual-links and statistics. Information contained: Timers, Router ID, Area transit, state of the adjacency.
show ip route OSPF – Routes To illustrate that the router is redistributing the routes, is shown the command show ip route shows that both routes of Protocol OSPF and IS-IS (and the default route learned by the IS-IS).


R3#show ip ospf ?
<1-65535> Process ID number
border-routers Border and Boundary Router Information
database Database summary
flood-list Link state flood list
interface Interface information
mpls MPLS related information
neighbor Neighbor list
request-list Link state request list
retransmission-list Link state retransmission list
sham-links Sham link information
summary-address Summary-address redistribution Information
virtual-links Virtual link information
| Output modifiers

R3#show ip ospf 1
Routing Process “ospf 1? with ID
Supports only single TOS(TOS0) routes
Supports opaque LSA
Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS)
It is an autonomous system boundary router
Redistributing External Routes from,
isis with metric mapped to 120, includes subnets in redistribution
Initial SPF schedule delay 5000 msecs
Minimum hold time between two consecutive SPFs 10000 msecs
Maximum wait time between two consecutive SPFs 10000 msecs
Minimum LSA interval 5 secs. Minimum LSA arrival 1 secs
LSA group pacing timer 240 secs
Interface flood pacing timer 33 msecs
Retransmission pacing timer 66 msecs
Number of external LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0×000000
Number of opaque AS LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0×000000
Number of DCbitless external and opaque AS LSA 0
Number of DoNotAge external and opaque AS LSA 0
Number of areas in this router is 1. 0 normal 0 stub 1 nssa
External flood list length 0
Area 3
Number of interfaces in this area is 1
It is a NSSA area
generates NSSA default route with cost 1
Area has no authentication
SPF algorithm last executed 00:36:04.468 ago
SPF algorithm executed 4 times
Area ranges are Passive Advertise
Number of LSA 8. Checksum Sum 0×041817
Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0×000000
Number of DCbitless LSA 0
Number of indication LSA 0
Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
Flood list length 0

R3#show ip ospf database ?
adv-router Advertising Router link states
asbr-summary ASBR summary link states
database-summary Summary of database
external External link states
network Network link states
nssa-external NSSA External link states
opaque-area Opaque Area link states
opaque-as Opaque AS link states
opaque-link Opaque Link-Local link states
router Router link states
self-originate Self-originated link states
summary Network summary link states
| Output modifiers

R3#show ip ospf database

OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 1)

Router Link States (Area 3)

Link ID ADV Router Age Seq# Checksum Link count 220 0x80000003 0x00E547 1 225 0x80000003 0x00C235 1

Net Link States (Area 3)

Link ID ADV Router Age Seq # Checksum 225 0x80000002 0x009D07

Summary Net Link States (Area 3)

Link ID ADV Router Age Seq # Checksum 225 0x80000002 0x005AC6 225 0x80000002 0x0058C6 225 0x80000002 0x0056C6

Type-7 AS External Link States (Area 3)

Link ID ADV Router Age Seq# Checksum Tag 220 0x80000002 0x001C2B 0 223 0x80000002 0x00AD17 0

R0#show ip ospf border-routers

OSPF Process 1 internal Routing Table

Codes: i - Intra-area route, I - Inter-area route

i [2] via, FastEthernet0/0, ABR, Area 0, SPF 8
i [1] via, FastEthernet1/0, ASBR, Area 3, SPF 6
i [1] via, FastEthernet0/0, ABR, Area 0, SPF 8

R0#show ip ospf neighbor

Neighbor ID Pri State Dead Time Address Interface 1 FULL/DR 00:00:37 FastEthernet0/0 1 FULL/BDR 00:00:39 FastEthernet1/0

R3#show ip ospf interface
FastEthernet1/0 is up, line protocol is up
Internet Address, Area 3
Process ID 1, Router ID, Network Type BROADCAST, Cost: 1
Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State BDR, Priority 1
Designated Router (ID), Interface address
Backup Designated router (ID), Interface address
Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5
oob-resync timeout 40
Hello due in 00:00:05
Index 1/1, flood queue length 0
Next 0×0(0)/0×0(0)
Last flood scan length is 2, maximum is 2
Last flood scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 0 msec
Neighbor Count is 1, Adjacent neighbor count is 1
Adjacent with neighbor (Designated Router)
Suppress hello for 0 neighbor(s)

R0#show ip ospf interface brief
Interface PID Area IP Address/Mask Cost State Nbrs F/C
Fa0/0 1 0 1 BDR 1/1
Fa1/0 1 3 1 DR 1/1 R0#show ip ospf interface brief
Interface PID Area IP Address/Mask Cost State Nbrs F/C
Fa0/0 1 0 1 BDR 1/1
Fa1/0 1 3 1 DR 1/1 R0#show ip ospf interface brief
Interface PID Area IP Address/Mask Cost State Nbrs F/C
Fa0/0 1 0 1 BDR 1/1
Fa1/0 1 3 1 DR 1/1

R2#show ip ospf virtual-links
Virtual Link OSPF_VL0 to router is up
Run as demand circuit
DoNotAge LSA allowed.
Transit area 1, via interface FastEthernet0/0, Cost of using 1
Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State POINT_TO_POINT,
Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5
Hello due in 00:00:09
Adjacency State FULL (Hello suppressed)
Index 1/2, retransmission queue length 0, number of retransmission 1
First 0×0(0)/0×0(0) Next 0×0(0)/0×0(0)
Last retransmission scan length is 1, maximum is 1
Last retransmission scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 0 msec

R3#show ip route
Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route

Gateway of last resort is to network is variably subnetted, 9 subnets, 4 masks
O IA [110/4] via, 00:43:28, FastEthernet1/0
C is directly connected, FastEthernet1/0
O IA [110/2] via, 00:43:48, FastEthernet1/0
i su [115/84] via, Null0
O IA [110/3] via, 00:43:48, FastEthernet1/0
i L2 [115/15] via, Serial2/0
i L2 [115/15] via, Serial2/0
C is directly connected, Serial2/0
O is a summary, 00:43:55, Null0
i*L2 [115/15] via, Serial2/0

Abrasive and a personal success.

Maurício Bento Ghem.

Laboratório OSPF e IS-IS com Redistribution bidirecionalLaboratory OSPF and IS-IS with bidirectional Redistribution

Olá Pessoal,

É com muito orgulho que vos apresento um laboratório muito interessante, seguindo o título original do Lab:

Laboratório OSPF e IS-IS com redistribution bidirecional e NSSA area com default-route, ilustrado abaixo.

Topologia - Laboratorio OSPF e ISIS com redirecionamento bidirecional

Com este lab foi possível adquirir inúmeros conhecimentos, principalmente de redistribuição de rotas entre protocolos.

Após bastante tempo tentando implementar a maneira ótima para a redistribuição, ou seja, redistribuir apenas as summary routes (foi utilizado endereçamento hierárquico), finalmente consegui e lhes disponibilizo o laboratório. Reparem que foi utilizada uma área NSSA (not-so-stubby area) do OSPF para complicar um pouco mais a situação.

Como todos os laboratórios publicados por mim, corrijam os caminhos no arquivo .net e peguem as IOS correspondentes no HD do blog, pasta IOS. Lembrem-se de que para realizar o laboratório desde o início, ou seja, configurar cada um dos dispositivos eu disponibilizo a configuração base nos arquivos TXT, sendo que a configuração final está nos arquivos .cfg, na subpasta.

Também, seguem as mesmas recomendações de aprendizado. Usem e abusem de comandos show e debug, modifiquem as configurações, derrubem os links para verificar a convergência. Utilizem este Lab para aprender.

Segue abaixo o link para download do laboratório:

Laboratorio OSPF e ISIS com Redistribution bidirecional

Qualquer dúvida, sintam-se a vontade para entrar em contato comigo.

Um abração pessoal,

Maurício Bento Ghem.Hello Guys,

It is with great pride that I present a very interesting laboratory, following the original title of the Lab:

Laboratory OSPF and IS-IS redistribution with bidirectional and NSSA area with default-route, shown below.

Topologia - Laboratorio OSPF e ISIS com redirecionamento bidirecional

With this lab was possible to acquire many skills, especially the redistribution of routes between protocols.

After some time trying to implement the optimal way for redistribution, or redistribute only the summary routes (hierarchical addressing was used), and finally it offers them the laboratory. Repair an area that was used ÑßÅ (not-so-stubby area) of OSPF to complicate the situation a little more.

Like all laboratories published by me, correct the paths in the. Net and grab the corresponding IOS in HD blog, IOS folder.Remember that to perform the laboratory from the start, or configure each device I provided the basic configuration files in TXT, and the final configuration is in the archives. Cfg in subfolder.

Also, follow the same recommendations for learning. Use and abuse of show and debug commands, modify the settings, put the links to check the convergence. Use this lab to learn.

Here is the link to download the laboratory:

Laboratory ISIS and OSPF Redistribution with bidirectional

No doubt, to feel the desire to contact me.

A Abrasive staff,

Maurício Bento Ghem.

Livros + Video Mentor + Simulados para CCNPBooks + Video + Mentor Simulator for CCNP

Olá Pessoal,

Gostaria de lhes comunicar que hoje foi atualizado o HD do blog.

Foram inseridos todos os livros CiscoPress oficiais para estudo para cada uma das provas dos CCNP. Além disso, foram incluídos simulados como (TKs e P4S) que recomendo sua utilização apenas para identificar os pontos fracos no seu estudo.

Outra ferramenta interessante para o estudo que foi incluído são os Vídeo Mentors! Todos são narrado pelo autor Jeremy Cioara. Para todos que são bons no entendimento do inglês é uma ferramenta perfeita para fixar o conteúdo lido nos livros.

Segue o link para o HD do blog:

Um abração,

Hello Guys,

I would like to inform you that today was the HD updated the blog.

Were inserted all books CiscoPress official to study for each of the CCNP tests. Moreover, were included as simulated (TKS and P4S) to recommend its use only to identify the weaknesses in their study.

Another interesting tool for the study that was included is the video Mentors! All are narrated by the author Jeremy Cioara. For all that is good understanding of English is a perfect tool for setting the contents read in books.

Follow the link for the HD blog:

A Abrasive,

Laboratório IS-IS Multiarea com Frame-relayLab IS-IS Multiarea with Frame-relay

Laboratorio IS-IS MultiareaOlá Pessoal,

Seguindo meus estudos para a BSCI, a primeira das quatro provas do CCNP, apresento-lhes um laboratório que fiz para entender o funcionamento do protocolo Integrated IS-IS.

Este protocolo numa primeira instância parece ser complicado, mas não há nada disso. A diferença é que ele se baseia no endereçamento OSI e não IP em suas origens. Outra vantagem é que ele roda na camada de Enlace.

O laboratório baseia-se numa configuração multi-area que utiliza três dispositivos Level 1-2 e outros três Level 1 para roteamento interno das áreas. A topologia é feita sob uma rede Frame-relay multiponto como é visto na figura.

Foi utilizada a IOS c7200-ik9o3s-mz.123-22.bin disponível do HD do blog pasta IOS.

Relembro que deve-se modificar os paths das IOS no arquivo .net incluso. Também, ressalto que a configuração na NVRAM dos routers é a completa após êxito do laboratório. Se você deseja iniciar uma nova configuração utilize os TXTs como configuração base.

Abaixo segue o link para download:

Laboratorio IS-IS Multiarea com Framerelay

Um abração pessoal,

Maurício Bento Ghem.

Laboratorio IS-IS MultiareaHello Guys,

Following my studies for the BSCI, the first of four tests of CCNP, presenting them to a lab that I understand the operation of the Integrated IS-IS protocol.

This protocol in the first instance seems to be complicated, but there is none. The difference is that it is based on OSI and not IP address in its origins. Another advantage is that it runs on the link layer.

The laboratory is based on a multi-area configuration that uses three devices and three other Level 1-2 Level 1 routing to internal areas. The topology is done in a Frame-relay multipoint network is seen as in the picture.

Was used to IOS c7200-mz.123-22.bin-ik9o3savailable in HD blog IOS folder.

Remember that you must change the paths of the IOS file. Net included. Also, it appears that the configuration in NVRAM of the router is successfully completed after the lab. If you want to start a new configuration using the configuration as TXTs base.

Below follows the link to download:

Laboratorio Multiarea IS-IS with Framerelay

A Abrasive staff,

Maurício Bento Ghem.

Resumo de Protocolos de Roteamento – EIGRP + OSPF + ISIS + BGPSummary of Routing Protocols – EIGRP + OSPF + ISIS + BGP

Olá Pessoal,

Como estou estudando para BSCI fiz um grande resumão de cada um dos protocolos de roteamento para IPv4.

Um detalhe que deve-se observar é que este resumão foi feito em inglês (:S). Acreditem pessoal, eu consigo pensar melhor em inglês atualmente, especialmente para o estudo. Como o resumo é apresentado em tópicos é interessante para todos.

Para os que estão estudando para a CCNA é interessante dar uma breve olhada para ver o que tem por aí e aproveitar alguns tópicos que são escopo da certificação.

Um abração,


Segue abaixo:

Big Resume

– Cisco proprietary and distance vector protocol (hybrid).
– Incremental updates.
– Uses Dual and crazy metric with K-values (1,3, Bw e DLY default)
– Establishes neighbors and mainting 3 tables (neighbor, topology, routing table).
– Neighbors must match: authentication, subnet, k-values, hello and dead timers.
– Only protocol that supports unequal cost load-balancing and backup routes (Feasible sucessor).
– If FS > AD the router can be a Feasible Sucessor.
– If there isn’t a feasible sucessor the router sends queryes for its neighbors asking for the route.
– Stuck-in-Active (SIA) is when a network is so big that it searches through it. To solve, router stub or summarization.
– Support ip summary address eigrp in the interface for summarizing the networks.
– Support keychain MD5 and plaintext authentication per interface.
– Support percentage of bandwidth usage, very used in PVC links.
– If you redistribute into EIGRP and don’t set a default-metric the route don’t to go to the routing table, because metric = infinite.Hello Guys,

As I am studying for BSCI great summary of each routing protocols for IPv4.

One detail that should be noted that this was done in English resumão (: S). Believe staff, I can think better in English now, especially for the study. As the summary is presented in topics is interesting for all.

For those who are studying for the CCNA is interesting to give a brief look to see what is out there and enjoy some topics that are scope of certification.

A Abrasive,



Big Resume

– Cisco proprietary and distance vector protocol (hybrid).
– Incremental updates.
– Uses Dual and crazy metric with K-values (1,3, Bw e DLY default)
– Establishes neighbors and mainting 3 tables (neighbor, topology, routing table).
– Neighbors must match: authentication, subnet, k-values, hello and dead timers.
– Only protocol that supports unequal cost load-balancing and backup routes (Feasible sucessor).
– If FS > AD the router can be a Feasible Sucessor.
– If there isn’t a feasible sucessor the router sends queryes for its neighbors asking for the route.
– Stuck-in-Active (SIA) is when a network is so big that it searches through it. To solve, router stub or summarization.
– Support ip summary address eigrp in the interface for summarizing the networks.
– Support keychain MD5 and plaintext authentication per interface.
– Support percentage of bandwidth usage, very used in PVC links.
– If you redistribute into EIGRP and don’t set a default-metric the route don’t to go to the routing table, because metric = infinite. Continue lendoResumo de Protocolos de Roteamento – EIGRP + OSPF + ISIS + BGPSummary of Routing Protocols – EIGRP + OSPF + ISIS + BGP

Laborátorio IPv6 e OSPFv3Lab IPv6 and OSPFv3

Laboratorio Ipv6 Ospfv3 7200Olá Pessoal,

O tema abordado na BSCI é roteamento e é expandido incluindo a nova versão do protocolo IP, o IPv6. Esse novo protocolo proporcionará muitas dezenas de IPs a mais se comparado com o IPv4, utilizado atualmente.

O IPv6 para muitos (inclusive eu) é muito obscuro e complicado, mas se você estudar com calma atenção e praticar bastante através de laboratórios você entenderá seu funcionamento, inclusive estes endereços gigantes.

O laboratório que estou disponibilizando eu fiz para praticar o endereçamento, sumarização e o funcionamento com o OSPFv3 (OSPF para o IPv6).

Laboratorio Ipv6 Ospfv3 7200Hello Guys,

The topic is covered in BSCI routing and is expanded including a new version of IP protocol, the IPv6. This new protocol will provide many more tens of IPs compared to IPv4 is used today.

The IPv6 for many (including me) is very obscure and complicated, but if you study with attention and practice quite calm through laboratories you understand its operation, including giants such addresses.

The laboratory that I am offering I did to practice addressing, summarization and working with the OSPFv3 (OSPF for IPv6).

I setup a Multi-area as can be seen in the picture attached and made a summarization of some subnets to see your reflection in the routing table and OSPF in the LSAS. Remember, the OSPFv3 differs slightly from its predecessor on the LSAS, so stay tuned.

As the oldest IOSs not support the OSPFv3 was necessary to use the IOS 12.4 (T) 9, the router 7200. The image is available on this link in the folder IOS – Dynamips.

Emphasize that the configuration in NVRAM of the router is complete, and after setting everything TXTs that are in the file is the initial configuration.

Below the laboratory:

Lab IPv6 and Ospfv3 multiarea 7200

A Abrasive staff,

Maurício Bento Ghem
Continue lendoLaborátorio IPv6 e OSPFv3Lab IPv6 and OSPFv3

Laboratório Multicast – PIMLab Multicast – PIM

Laboratório Multicast PIM Dense e Sparse Mode

Olá Pessoal,

O blog seguindo o fluxo do autor está, também, adquirindo material para a certificação CCNP. Ontem, prosseguindo com o estudo finalizei meu estudo sobre Multicast e agora comecei na parte de IPv6.

Quero contribuir com um laboratório que me auxiliou no entendimento do protocolo PIM (Protocol Indepentent Multicast) que é o protocolo utilizado na BSCI para criar as tabelas de roteamento multicast.

Laboratório Multicast PIM Dense e Sparse Mode

Hello Guys,

The blog following the flow of the author is also acquiring material for CCNP certification. Yesterday, continuing with the study Multicast finish my study and now started on the IPv6.

I contribute a laboratory that helped me in understanding the protocol PIM (Protocol independent Multicast) which is the protocol used in BSCI to create the routing tables multicast.

As there are two types of configuration of PIM, dense-mode and Sparse-mode, two laboratories were different and they both use the same topology (see Figure).

The laboratories are TXT files that are the initial settings. The settings are stored in NVRAM of router is the final, to be made tests. If you want to configure from scratch, feel at home. Below I provide them for download and use, pointing out that the router used is the 3600 with IOS 12.3 release 15 and download its IOS can be made in this link, paste IOS – Dynamips.

Download the laboratories can be made below:

Lab Multicast PIM-Dense Mode

Lab Multicast PIM Sparse-mode



Continue lendoLaboratório Multicast – PIMLab Multicast – PIM

BGP – Decisão da melhor rotaBGP – Best route decision

Decisão da melhor rota no BGP.Olá Pessoal,

Continuando nossa etapa de estudo do BGP, apresento-lhes uma ótima figura que apresenta a escolha da melhor rota no BGP, que está disponível no livro:

CCNP BSCI – Official Exam Certification Guide, 4th edition. Escrito pelo: Brent Steward.

O BGP é o protocolo que tem a maior métrica! Ele utiliza atributos e a métrica é gigantesca, pois é composta de diversos destes atributos.

Decisão da melhor rota no BGP.Hello Guys,

Step in our continuing study of BGP, make them a great picture that shows the choice of the best route in BGP, which is available in the book:

CCNP BSCI – Official Exam Certification Guide, 4th edition. Written by: Brent Steward.

The BGP is the protocol that has the highest metric! It uses attributes and metrics is enormous because it is composed of several of these attributes.

The attributes available to do the tuning of BGP are shown below.

Os Atributos do BGP

Abrasive and a success in the study.

Continue lendoBGP – Decisão da melhor rotaBGP – Best route decision

Resumo de Mensagens e Estados BGPSummary of messages and states the BGP

Olá Pessoal,

Continuando na iniciativa do blog de ser referência no estudo de Certificações Cisco, agora apresento um resumo de mensagens e estados do protocolo BGP.

Segue abaixo.

Mensagens BGP:

  • Open : Quando o processo BGP inicia são estabelecidas conexões na porta TCP 179 com a mensagem BGP OPEN.
  • Keepalive : Keepalive indicando que a conexão ainda está estabelecida.
  • Update : Mensagens de atualização de redes. Enviadas no início do processo e quando ocorrerem atualizações na rede.
  • Notification : Quando um vizinho reinicia é enviada a mensagem Notification indicando que está finalizando a relação.

Estados BGP:Hello Guys,

Continuing the initiative of the blog to be reference in the study of Cisco Certifications, now present a summary of messages and states of the BGP protocol.


BGP messages:

  • Open: When the BGP process starts are established connections to TCP port 179 to the BGP OPEN message.
  • KeepAlive: KeepAlive indicating that the connection is still established.
  • Update: update network messages. Sent early in the process and when updates occur on the network.
  • Notification: When a neighbor restart Notification is sent a message indicating that the relationship is ending.

BGP states:

  • Idle – Seeking neighbors.
  • Connect – TCP connection established with neighbor
  • Open Sent – BGP OPEN message sent
  • Open Confirm – Response received
  • Established – BGP neighbor Connection established.


  • Established is good, rest is the problem.
  • If the neighboring state of not progressing to Idle, verify that the next-hop is achievable.
  • If the neighbor is in state Active is not configured or is not behaving as expected.
  • Make sure the neighbor is correct: IP addresses, Autonomous System (AS), configuration and authentication.

A hug staff,

Maurício. Continue lendoResumo de Mensagens e Estados BGPSummary of messages and states the BGP

Recomendações para o dia anterior ao Exame CCNARecommendations for the day preceding the CCNA Exam

Olá pessoal,

Quero lhes passar neste post o que deve ser feito para obter o melhor rendimento e desempenho no CCNA.

Não pensem que o psicológico não influi no seu resultado da prova, influi SIM, mas indiretamente. Se você está a 3 semanas estudando muito, dormindo pouco, cansado, estressado, a sua mente está cansada e tensa.

A seguir, quero compartilhar todo o processo que fiz um dia antes da prova para possibilitar um descanso total da mente e relaxamento.

Hello staff,

I want to move this post what should be done to get the best return and performance in CCNA.

Do not think that the psychological impact on its result not of proof, influences, but indirectly. If you are 3 weeks studying much, just sleeping, tired, stressed, your mind is tired and tense.

Below, I share the process I made a day before the test to allow a rest of mind and total relaxation.

How do I check the proof for Monday I had the whole Sunday to relax. On this day before the test take a time to relax with friends, chat, share ideas and express their happiness and affection with the next.

We gauchos do that taking a mate and chatter. You can be sure you know what causes the opening and to brainstorm ideas.

Go to a park or a square to admire the nature and be in harmony with everything: nature, friends, everyone. It feels good just has to add.

At night, relax and sleep early and always take a deep breath, because the nervousness catch fire!

In agreeing to take a bath and a good place for something that shows 0 do feel good! Well you are right! CCNA is just that you do not know that!

These words are to show them that if you study enough and feel ready, you should rest and stay in harmony, not to have to face the test, and yes, PASS the exam! Note the difference.

Professional success and especially, spiritual.

A hug staff,

Maurício Bento Ghem. Continue lendoRecomendações para o dia anterior ao Exame CCNARecommendations for the day preceding the CCNA Exam

Estudo para o CCNP -> To-Do ListCCNP Study -> To-Do List

Cisco CCNP (BSCI) Preparation TODO list

Olá Pessoal,

Para vos manter informado de como está se dando meu estudo para o CCNP, começando pela prova BSCI, gostaria de apresentar a minha lista de afazeres para completar o estudo. O blog está aos poucos se transformando também num guia CCNP.

Hoje, finalizei o último dos CBT Nuggets pelo Jeremy Cioara, e conclui que para introdução de todos os conceitos de maneira bem calma foi muito bom. Agora, é necessário fixar os conceitos e praticar bastante para ficar na mente e o mais importante, levar para a carreira tudo o que foi aprendido.

Cisco CCNP (BSCI) Preparation TODO list

Hello Guys,

To keep you informed of how my study is giving to the CCNP, starting with the proof BSCI, I have my list of chores to complete the study. The blog is also the few becoming a CCNP guide.

Today we finish the last of CBT Nuggets by Jeremy Cioara, and concludes that for the introduction of all concepts so easy and was very good. Now, it is necessary to establish the concepts and practice enough to stay in mind and more importantly, lead to career all that was learned.

I want to see the draft scheme that I needed to study the contents, because, unlike the CCNA certification where you can use the book of Mark, great source didactic content and very well explained for the CCNP books are those in which the CiscoPress content to me, is very sparse. It is placed muiiitos cases and artifacts that to my method of study just a little perplexed. I prefer to learn the concept, understand it and practice it to set well, but that is from each.

If you want to send any suggestions or bizarre scheme following this line hehehehe, very welcome.

Abrasive and a personal success for all!

Maurício Bento Ghem.
Continue lendoEstudo para o CCNP -> To-Do ListCCNP Study -> To-Do List

Carreira na Cisco. Ser ou ser CCNA.Career at Cisco. To be or not to be CCNA.

Piramide de Níveis Profissionais CiscoOlá Pessoal,

Este post é dedicado a todos que gostariam de saber exatamente o que precisa para ser um CCNA, o que ele faz e as oportunidade para o CCNA.

As informações abaixo foram transcritas diretamente do website Syllabus da Cisco. Este website contém informações a respeito de todas certificações e as habilidade adquiridas com elas.

Piramide de Níveis Profissionais CiscoHello Guys,

This post is dedicated to all who would like to know exactly what needs to be a CCNA, what he does and the opportunity for the CCNA.

The information below was transcribed directly from Cisco’s website Syllabus. This website contains information on all certifications and skills gained from them.

The CCNA certification validate the ability to install, configure, operate, and troubleshoot medium-size routed and switched networks. CCNA certified professionals have the knowledge and skills to make connections to remote sites via a WAN, mitigate basic security threats, and understand the requirements for wireless network access. CCNA training covers (but is not limited to) the use of these protocols: IP, Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), Serial Line Interface Protocol Frame Relay, Routing Information Protocol Version 2 (RIPv2), VLANs, Ethernet, and access control lists (ACLs).

Source: Cisco CCNA Syllabus Website

I tried to create a version with translation Google Translator to lay more in English, but he accused the URL as invalid, so only in English.

In the same website you can follow all the other certifications and have an overview of the entire career in the Cisco and moths also have a goal for your career.

I hope it was useful for everyone, because I have much doubt that many of what exactly is a CCNA, and also what to do after achieving this title.

A Abrasive staff,

Success to everyone.

Continue lendoCarreira na Cisco. Ser ou ser CCNA.Career at Cisco. To be or not to be CCNA.

Material CCNA. Sugestões do leitorCCNA material. Suggestions from readers

QuestionOlá Pessoal,

Esta tecla bateu na minha cabeça hoje pela manhã.

Firmei um compromisso de auxiliar pessoas que têm o mesmo objetivo que eu, só que eu consegui atingir parte de meu objetivo.

Gostaria de agora ajudar vocês para conseguirem a sua, a nossa tão almejada Certificação CCNA.

Através deste post, gostaria de deixar um canal de contato para todos que acompanham este blog para me enviarem sugestões sobre tópicos que ficaram em dúvida, sobre questões da prova, dicas psicológicas para preparação…

QuestionHello Guys,

The key hit in my head this morning.

A firm commitment to help people who have the same goal that I, only I could achieve part of my goal.

I would now help you to get yours, so our goal CCNA Certification.

Through this post, I would leave a channel of contact for all who follow this blog to send me suggestions on topics that were in doubt on matters of evidence, psychological tips for preparation …

Anything you are interested in knowing who is in my power to help them.

Send any questions or suggestions to my email tópicospara, or if you wish add me on MSN.

Will the great pleasure to assist them.

Email: mauricio @ bentow. with. br

MSN: mbg_nh @ hotmail. with

I would also like to inform you that I have the goal of achieving the level of CCNP by the end of 2009. I will keep everyone informed about this new subject of study.

A Abrasive staff,

Success to us all.

Maurício Bento Ghem. Continue lendoMaterial CCNA. Sugestões do leitorCCNA material. Suggestions from readers

CCNP a fundo. Primero lab BSCICCNP deep. First BSCI Lab

Olá pessoal,

Comunicando o empenho, estou criando a topologia do meu primeiro laboratório em Dynamips (GNS3). Disponibilizo-a abaixo, pois é um modelo muito bom para se trabalhar várias questões do OSPF multiárea.

Lembro a todos para modificar o arquivo .net para encontrado o caminho correto das IOS utilizadas. Neste Lab, foram utilizados roteadores 3620.

Para quem não sabe, OSPF multi-área é conteúdo da prova BSCI do CCNP.

Para todos que podem estar ficando preocupados em aparecer apenas conteúdos da prova CCNP, relaxem. Continuarei postando dicas, manuais e labs neste blog CCNA para auxiliar todos que têm o mesmo objetivo que eu, certificar-se com a Cisco. Agora, subindo cada vez mais e mais.

Laboratório OSPF Multi-area do Dynamips.

Modelo de Laboratório OSPF MultiArea

Um abração,

Maurício.Hello staff,

Communicating the commitment, I am creating the topology of my first lab in Dynamips (GNS3). Make it below as it is a very good model to work for several issues of OSPF multiárea.

I remember all to modify the file. Net to find the correct path of IOS used. In this lab, we used 3620 routers.

For those who do not know, multi-area OSPF is proof BSCI contents of the CCNP.

For anyone who may be getting anxious to appear only the content CCNP test, relax. Continue posting tips, manuals and CCNA labs this blog to help all who have the same goal that I make sure to Cisco. Now, rising more and more.

Multi-area OSPF Lab of Dynamips.

Modelo de Laboratório OSPF MultiArea

A Abrasive,
